Basketball New Zealand is the national sporting organisation for basketball:
Our Vision - Hoops in the heart of every community.
Our Purpose - We exist to inspire you to live & love this game as much as we do.
Our Values - Mana (Respect), Tika (Integrity) and Hono (Connected)
Basketball continues to experience explosive growth, especially amongst youth. The sport appeals to all genders, all ages, ethnicities and cultures – it is a global in nature with unrealised potential in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Basketball New Zealand’s Statement of Strategic Intent currently has four pillars: Participation (more players, coaches, officials and volunteers), Performance (at the elite level), Fan Experience (greater engagement) and Diversity (gender, ethnicity and ability).
A full Position Description can be found here.
Strong governance is key to the organisation realising its potential - applications are now invited for three positions on the Board of Directors:
One Appointed vacancy is available due to resignation.
Two elected positions have arisen by rotation. Incumbent board members have indicated that they will seek re-election to their positions and are eligible under the Constitution to do so.
The Board Appointment Panel will directly confirm the Appointed Position and will recommend suitable candidates for the election process at the Basketball New Zealand AGM. All candidates will have the opportunity to meet with Association Chairs online prior to the AGM and are able to speak for 10 minutes at the AGM prior to the election process being undertaken.
The Board meets approximately eight times per annum, alternating in person (Wellington or Auckland) and online, along with sub committee meetings usually held online throughout the year.
Online interviews are scheduled for the early morning of 28 March 2024.
These roles will start at the AGM, scheduled for Saturday 4 May 2024 in Wellington. The initial term is four years.
This role has closed. Please click here for all open positions.
Board Members
Basketball New Zealand

15 Mar 2024, 16:00
Applicant location
NZ wide
4 years
Time commitment
Eight board meetings per year
Expenses only Upgrade to view
Incumbents restanding?
Position Description
Ideal Applicant
The background we are seeking across the new board members are:
• Strong financial literacy
• Demonstrated experience in organisational transformation or digital change
• A background in the entertainment sector
• Experience in the creation and development of facilities
The role is open to individuals living throughout Aotearoa New Zealand, although those based in the South Island are especially encouraged to apply.
The Constitution also requires the Appointment Panel to, in general, consider a candidate’s:
• Clear understanding of governance functions and principles
• Knowledge of and/or interest in basketball
• Knowledge of how community based, or sporting programmes are run
• Skills that add value to the Board business including but not limited to financial analytical skills, insight into emerging technology, and the changing sports media landscape.
• Strong network across the business and/or basketball community
• Strong financial literacy
• Demonstrated experience in organisational transformation or digital change
• A background in the entertainment sector
• Experience in the creation and development of facilities
The role is open to individuals living throughout Aotearoa New Zealand, although those based in the South Island are especially encouraged to apply.
The Constitution also requires the Appointment Panel to, in general, consider a candidate’s:
• Clear understanding of governance functions and principles
• Knowledge of and/or interest in basketball
• Knowledge of how community based, or sporting programmes are run
• Skills that add value to the Board business including but not limited to financial analytical skills, insight into emerging technology, and the changing sports media landscape.
• Strong network across the business and/or basketball community